Turning of The Wheel


Join Lisa Jardine, a Huna healer, Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher, Clairvoyant Medium, Channeler and Holistic Nutritionist as she guides you through this 14-week meditation series, The Turning of the Wheel, from Fall Equinox to Winter Solstice. During the 14 weeks, Lisa will guide us through the meditation. We will go into all 7 chakras going down the channels from Crown Chakra to Root Chakra and back up, Root to Crown, Healing each chakra,  opening and awakening each chakra to a new sense of spirit embodiment and our Soul’s Divine Truth. 

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Join Lisa Jardine, a Huna healer, Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher, Clairvoyant Medium, Channeler and Holistic Nutritionist as she guides you through this 14-week meditation series, The Turning of the Wheel, from Fall Equinox to Winter Solstice. During the 14 weeks, Lisa will guide us through the meditation. We will go into all 7 chakras going down the channels from Crown Chakra to Root Chakra and back up, Root to Crown, Healing each chakra,  opening and awakening each chakra to a new sense of spirit embodiment and our Soul’s Divine Truth. 

Join Lisa Jardine, a Huna healer, Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher, Clairvoyant Medium, Channeler and Holistic Nutritionist as she guides you through this 14-week meditation series, The Turning of the Wheel, from Fall Equinox to Winter Solstice. During the 14 weeks, Lisa will guide us through the meditation. We will go into all 7 chakras going down the channels from Crown Chakra to Root Chakra and back up, Root to Crown, Healing each chakra,  opening and awakening each chakra to a new sense of spirit embodiment and our Soul’s Divine Truth. 

Start Date: Mabon / Fall Equinox - Sunday September 22nd

We will begin honouring Mabon with Apple Cider

In Ancient times, Mabon was a time of great celebration and ritual. People would gather together to honour the harvest, to give thanks for the blessings of life, and to prepare for the coming winter. It was a time of reflection and introspection. What needs to be healed? What am I holding onto that is not for my highest good and is possible a trauma/trait that is ancestral and a repeat trauma passed down through the family line as well as brought in as a karmic debt from previous lives. When we sit in silence, setting intentions on healing. Our Soul knows what we can handle and what needs to be healed. When we allow the flow of energy, honour the Turning of the Wheel, we come into a deeper connection with ourselves as well as Mother Earth.

End Date: Yule/ Winter Solstice - Saturday December 21st.

The Winter Solstice, Yule as it is known on the Celtic Wheel. Is the rebirth of the Sun. It is an important turning point, as it marks the shortest day, when the hours of daylight are at their least. Yule had a dual meaning, it symbolized the death of the old year and heralded the birth of a new.

By opening and healing each chakra, all our subtle bodies as well as our physical body. We can enter 2025 a new Turning of The Wheel, with a deeper sense of knowing who we are authentically. A deeper embodiment of our spirit in all open wounds, including the original wound, this life, past lives and our ancestral line.

Yule is the last Turn of the Wheel. It is the wheel of Existence and completes the circle. 

We will complete the Turning of The Wheel Meditation Series with a Cacau Ceremony. Deep breath work and with the sining bowls, Lisa will assist us going into Sacred Neutrality, the zero point. Where no-thing and every-thing exist. Where we came from and where we will return once our Turning of the Wheel is complete on this earth plane. 

Lisa Jardine is a Huna Healer, Reiki Master, Meditation Teacher, Clairvoyant Medium, Channeller, Holistic Nutritionist

Huna is Hawaiian Shamanism based on the Ho’oponopono prayer; 

I love you, I’m sorry, Please Forgive me, Thank you.

Huna is the healing of the Physical bodies, and subtle bodies - Emotional body, Pain body, Analytical body, Etheric Body and Astral body. Which are all in our Energetic field attached to our Higher-self, our Guardian Angel and our Creator God. The healings are done on all timelines, dimension, this life, past lives and our Ancestral line. 

Reiki is the opening and spinning of our chakras to expand into our Energetic Field. Each chakra can and will hold traumas, behaviours, thoughts. 

The combination and channelling of Huna and Reiki is very powerful. 

Lisa’s Healing sessions as well as her meditation classes involve a deeper connection to your Higher Self, Your Guardian Angel and Guides. Allowing your spirit to take up more space in your Physical body as well as your subtle bodies. Embodiment of the Divine Truth of your Soul into your Cellular Structure. Opening of the main 7 chakras within our body, as well as the chakras outside of our bodies within our Energetic Field. A Clearing of emotional blockages from either this life, past lives and our Ancestral line. Singing Bowls are used to allow for a deeper healing and a connection to pure consciousness. Within Pure Consciousness the healing as already occurred, and our cells recalibrate to a new level of vibration based on the healing. Our Spirit embodies into our Cellular Structure holding a new vibration of truth based on the healing.

During the 14 weeks, Lisa will guide us through the meditation. We will go into all 7 chakras going down the channels from Crown Chakra to Root Chakra and back up, Root to Crown, Healing each chakra,  opening and awakening each chakra to a new sense of spirit embodiment and our Soul’s Divine Truth. 

Lisa will channel Huna and Reiki healing into the room and each client as well as channel our Higher-self, Ascended Masters and Archangels.

*Bring your journals, pen, crystals, mala’s, blanket, meditation pillow or yoga matt rolled up to sit on.


9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27, 11/3, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22




Of the Earth Apothecary; 408 Main Street, Avon by the Sea, NJ

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