MAY 4-Week Herbal Medicine Making Course
Join Katie Ryan, founder at Of the Earth Apothecary as you journey through a 4-week course in the fundamentals of how to make your own herbal remedies!
Join Katie Ryan, founder at Of the Earth Apothecary as you journey through a 4-week course in the fundamentals of how to make your own herbal remedies!
Join Katie Ryan, founder at Of the Earth Apothecary as you journey through a 4-week course in the fundamentals of how to make your own herbal remedies!
Learn how to make the following herbal remedies;
Infusions, Decoctions, Teas, Salves, Body Butters, Infused Oils, Syrups, Fire Cider, Tinctures, Glycerites, Oxymels
Maybe you have an understanding of some herbs and how they work, but you’d really love to be able to make herbal preparations at home in your kitchen, for yourself, your friends and your family.
Maybe you’ve tried to do this before but were worried that you did it wrong, weren’t sure if it came out the way its supposed to, or just purely didn’t know where to begin or get the materials needed to be able to make herbal remedies at home.
You’ll walk away with a plethora of knowledge and understanding, and more importantly the confidence to make your own herbal remedies at home!
All ingredients are included in the price of the course, and you will go home with many different preparations each week.
There are 10 seats available in this 4-week immersive course.
We will meet on Thursday evenings from 6:30pm-8:30pm
Dates; May 8, 15, 22, 29 *Make up class June 5 (This is only if Katie has to cancel a class, this is NOT a makeup class if you miss a class during the 4-week course)
**Please be aware there are no refunds given for courses, by purchasing this course you agree that the dates will work with your schedule and that you can commit yourself to this course for 4 weeks. If you end up needing to miss a class, we will make an extra preparation for you and you will receive the hand out from the class missed.